Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My very first post

Hi there! I'm kind of nervous and excited at the same time about starting my blog.
To be honest, I don't fully understand this blogging business but I've decided to give it a try.
What could go wrong anyway? It's not like I'm gonna publish a book or something like that right?
Who knows maybe I'll like it so much that it will inspired me to write one someday! lol.

I've been following (by email) some mommy's blogs and I really don't think the world needs another mommy blog. There are just so many good ones out there, full with DIY ideas and amazing giveaways. But I'm not trying to compete with anyone, just trying to be real, share about my life, and who knows maybe one day I will have great giveaways and awesome ideas to share too!  You never know! so you better stay close by to see what I'll be up to ;0)

For now I just want to welcome to my blog and will like to invite you to follow me in little life adventures.

Oh! I almost forgot! please check out my items on My Etsy shop and stop by my FB fan page  and leave me some love there :0)

See ya!


  1. Dios esta contigo en todo lo que emprendas TQM

  2. Hey Gaby! Welcome to the blogging world! You'll enjoy it. I love it, when I have the time to =).

  3. Gracia Cuñis linda! creo que tambien voy escribir algunos en espanol pra mias amigas! TE quiero mucho!

  4. Thanks Jeanine! I've read some of your post and I enjoy them very much! Thanks for your sweet comment!

  5. its about time!!!!! i'll be an avid follower :-) and i know you will have lots of creative ideas. love you page and excited to read about your life!
