Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Big Girl's Bed!

Linking with Rock-A- Bow's Toddler Talk Tuesday.  You should do it too!

Today I decided it was time to change Lauren's crib into a bed. So me and her (while daddy was at work) got the rail and the tools and started changing it. It was very simple and easy but while I was doing it I was explaining how she is a becoming a big girl now and she is now able to sleep on a bed instead of a crib.

I was actually a little nervous about it, and I still am as she is sleeping there by her self for the very first night now :0) Nervous about her not wanting to want to sleep and getting of her bed because now she can, also concern about her falling off  the bed (I put pillows around her bed in case she does!) but she took her nap there today and did very well and by that I mean she actually fell asleep and didn't fall of the bed!

Well, as soon as I finished putting it together she jumped right on it and when I asked her -Do you like your new bed my love? she said - "I like it mama! Like it too much!" lol!
She says the cutest things!

So right now I sneaked into her room and snapped a few pics of my "Big Girl" loving her new bed. I'm such a cry baby, I cry every time she hits a milestone and this is a big one for me! My baby is growing way too fast!

Excited for her "Big Girl's Bed"
My angel sleeping
Her first night on her big girl's bed (sniff, sniff)
<3 <3 <3

Also, during the weekend Grandma brought her a gift, her two favorite Toy Story characters Woody and Jessie! She already had a horse that she named Bullsey, so today she decided to watch Toy Story 3 (for the 1000 time!) but this time with her new best friends! She is so adorable sorry I gotta say it ha!

She wouldn't even look at me for the picture haha!

Holding her new friends :0)


  1. How cute she is! LOVE the bed! I have the same crib sheet! Milestones are oh so fun and oh so hard! YAY for the big girl bed!!!

  2. Ahhh! Big girl. Good job Lauren! She is so cute in her big girl bed.
