Friday, May 6, 2011

Just gotta remember...

Yesterday I had quite a crazy day. Scary, happy, unpredictable and very tiring all together!
We had our weekend all planned out. Thursday we were gonna go to Disneyland and spend all day there, Friday we schedule to get the carpet cleaned and then leave out of town for the weekend to celebrate my husband's birthday and mother's day at my in-laws. Instead I was in for surprise.
Everything started Wed night when we came back from church. I, as always I'm kind of loud and little crazy with my daughter before going to bed every night; we sing and dance together (very loud), then she picks out her pj's, we read her favorite book "Big Red Barn", we pray, and off to bed she goes. So last night we only got to do the dancing and singing part because while we were playing I heard her little hand popped! Yes it popped, it cracked or whatever sound you want to make! as I was putting her down she let her self go on the floor while I was still holding her left hand and all the weight of her body pull down her little arm!
It was the scariest moment of my mommy life! I freaked out, thank God my husband was in the room with us and he held her as I was trying to check her arm. I feel so terrible and started crying. I could tell she was in pain because she is a very brave little girl and doesn't cry for anything unless it's really painful. We wanted to take her to emergency room right away but after a few minutes (and after seeing that she could move fingers and didn't feel any pain when I would touch her shoulder or elbow) she was calm and actually following asleep in my arms.
We didn't want to leave her in room so we let her spend the night with us in our bed. My husband ran to the store and got one of those elastic bandages and I tried to put it on her wrist (the best I could) where I thought she had the pain, we gave her some tylenol, and tried to fall asleep. She is pretty a crazy sleeper and our bed has barely any room for the two of us, it was a very tough night. She was waking up every hour because either me or my husband were on her way, so around 5 in the morning I decided to let her get some real sleep and took her to her room. She rested and woke up around 10am.
Her hand was a lot better and didn't have any swelling or bruising so we thought she maybe just sprained it we observed her at breakfast and she just didn't want to move her arm at all! So we decided it was best to take her to the doctor. After going to two different clinics because they wouldn't let you walk in, with out an appointment to their "Urgent Care" facility during business hours (one of the reason I really don't like Kaiser)  we finally got an appointment and took her to a different doctor that's not her primary (another reason, but I won't get into that) and they took us right in to see the doctor. Let me tell you something about Lauren (my daughter) this 20 month old girl has an amazing memory and she remembered that all the previous times we've been to the doctor's she has always gotten a shot, because thank God, we've only been there when she has had her "well baby" appointments. So as soon as we walked she started saying "no shots mommy". My poor baby! So anyway, the doctor walked in to the room and I explained to her what happened and then she told me Lauren had something called "nursemaid's elbow"  this is a dislocation of a bone in the elbow called the radius (Dislocation means the bone slips out of its normal position at the elbow joint)
I know you all are very smart but I just wanted to add the definition just in case ;0)
So after she said that she told me she was gonna do a little maneuver, she took Lauren's arm moved it up and down and Voila! Just like that she fixed her!  Lauren was moving her arm up and down, pointing at things, getting the stickers the doctor was giving her; it was amazing. She even waived bye and blow kisses to the doctor and the nurse!
After that we went to lunch, still a little skeptical about her arm. But she has fine completely back to normal!
So taking advantage that we still had half of our day and with this gorgeous southern California weather we decided to go to Disneyland! Which of course made Lauren (and me) very happy!

But that's not all! That was only the scary and happy part of my day. We're still missing the closing.
We are driving back home with a pleased, healthy and snoring toddler in the car when my husband decided to stop and get gas a what we called "The Second Happiest Place on Earth" Costco (I'll tell you more about that in another time) and as we are waiting to get our gas we are talking about what a wonderful day today turned out to be. When all of a sudden we see the guy who's parked right in front us jump out of his car and start screaming at this other guy who just cut right in front of him and took his gas pump!
He was hysterical, screaming and rolling is sleeves up while his wife was trying to hold him back to control him. Somehow she pushed him back to their car, but as soon she got in he jumped out again and wanted to fight the other guy. We are just amazed at this all situation, we're thinking this man most of have a really bad day and just couldn't take in one more thing. Anyhow, they got to the pump and got their gas and left very quickly and loudly lol!I wanted to snap a pic or even a video (that's the journalist in me lol) but of course my husband wouldn't let me, thank goodness for his calmness! haha!

Anyway, I seriously don't know why I got to experience and see all that I took in today.  All I can think of is that God just want me to remember that I'm lost with out him, that my human nature just wants to come out and take care of everything and have it all planned and worked well for me and my family. But I got to see today that I'm so vulnerable and it humbled me to think that in a moment I could loose everything I cherish so much.

Just to show you how good Lauren felt after all that craziness here are some pictures of our day at Disneyland :0)

Lauren using her left hand (the one she injured) I look all tired in this pic, hey I didn't get any sleep the night before remember?!

With Ariel - Lauren didn't mind the wait she loves seeing the princesses!

Belle is her favorite of them all

Using both of her arms. It was so amazing to see how fast she got well!

Wiped out!
Now I know everyday I just gotta remember- God is in control.


  1. I love love the pictures!! Man what a crazy day!!!!! So glad Lauren is okay and good thing you guys were able to take her to the doctor poor thing!!!! Hugs and kisses to my baby. Glad you had fun at Disneyland :-)

  2. Aww....poor baby she had to go through that but atleast she is all better. Yes Gaby we have plans but we never know what plans god has for us every single day and that day god prolly wanted to show u how brave, smart and how strong ur lil baby girl is. Aww...Im glad u guys had fun at disneyland
